Monday, December 27, 2010

Still Stateside

In twelve days a certain Delta plane (hopefully) will have landed in Gatwick airport near London. If everything goes as planned, I will be hurtling through customs and about to turn into an icicle waiting for the bus to take me to Oxford: my home for the next six months.
Currently, however, I am still in Peachtree City, feeling very much like time is playing a very dirty trick indeed and decided to halt entirely. In the meanwhile, I am making lists of tasks to do before my departure date, one of which was to make a blog.
Here is a list of things I should probably do before departure:
1. Laundry
2. Buy very warm gloves
3. Ride horses at my old dressage barn
4. Make cookies
5. Visit my best high school friends
6. Finish pirating library music
7. Return library books (and music)
8. Watch British movies and TV shows to acquire an understanding of the Queen's English
9. Vacuum my room
10. Find and pack my passport
11. Polish my riding boots
12. Go with my sister to get her wedding dress fitted
13. Visit friends from Woodstock while retrieving my laptop charger (oops)
14. Take Mikey for a walk
15. Bother my old high school teachers
16. Play paintball with my brother
17. Decide which books I absolutely can't live without
18. E-mail my relatives in England (who apparently are blind and ballroom dance!)
19. Remove my golden retriever's hair from my winter coat
20. PACK!!!!
21. Say my goodbyes
Before Oxford, I should start working on that list. But especially items #5 and #21! Call me up if you want to visit before I depart.